Search Results for "Buster Keaton"

Buster Keaton: The General

…g Matthew! The movie will now play a full version. Joe Great movie! Buster Keaton is one of the great movie actors! Action moved right along. Nice to see 1860’s period depicted from a time only about 60 years removed from the Civil War. Bill Thank You One of Busters Finest ! may part of it is true orin marsh This kept me in suspense all the way through. it was very well done. even after 100 years!! Keshav Kumaar I love this movie… hsaa hsaa k ma…

Sherlock Jr

…Sherlock, Jr. is an ordinary man who works at a theater. He dreams of becoming a detective and when he finally gets his chance he’ll stop at nothing until the criminal is caught!…

The Stolen Jools

…The pearls of famous actress Norma Shearer are reported stolen. The police need to do anything they can to find her jools and figure out what strange event might have caused their disappearance!…

Li’l Abner

…L’il Abner is the most wanted boy in the village. Daisy wants to marry him but he wouldn’t consent to marriage no matter what… One day Li’l Abner gets down with a bad stomach ache and goes to a doctor who’s actually a phony. The doctor tells him he has only one day to live which urges the boy to pursue all the right things, maybe with a little bit too much vigor!…


…When all performers in a theater decide to go on strike, it’s up to the backstage workers to keep the show going! Hilarious!…

Charlie Chaplin’s “Kids Auto Race At Venice”

…The “Tramp” is at the baby-cart race in California. For one reason or another he keeps distracting and disturbing the drivers and eventually turns the whole race into chaos!…